For many businesses, it may be daunting to implement, keep up with, and optimize a Social Media Marketing Strategy. There are a number of automation tools available on the market depending on your needs or what you deem most important. They can help you gather relevant content in your industry, automate shares across your various social platforms, and even help you manage subscribers.
What none of these tools can do is create an effective strategy built around your business goals, manage how this strategy complements your other digital marketing efforts, or even, answer your customers’ inquiries in a manner reflective and natural of your brand.
Your Social Media Marketing Strategy should focus on elevating your audience, answering their burning questions, and engaging with your customer base, but also engaging with new potential customers.
Sounds great, right? The best data you can collect for your business is what your customers want and what they think – because then you can leverage this in your offerings, products, and services which will ultimately strengthen new go-to market strategies and solidify customer loyalty.
So where do you start?
Start by considering your focus
This will lead to a strong overall strategy and it will prove to be much more effective in the long run for your bottom line.
Then, listen
Read online content and join discussions where your audience resides to learn more about what they value. Keep in mind, that if you solely focus on pushing product, your audience will stop listening. Focus less on conversions and more on conversations with your customers.
Consider evergreen content
But also pay attention to trends in your industry, seasonality, and quality content which is unique to your brand. Remember, quality over quantity. It is much better to publish 1-2 quality posts per week than to blast 20 less relevant posts.
Social media marketing requires patience
In time, you can build your customer base by listening, responding to your customers when they comment, and staying consistent. Your customers will want you to be reliable.
Consider promotional posts
But also, cultivate intrigue by presenting ‘sneak previews’ or ‘unique deals’ for loyal customers who will have no choice but to come back for more!
Think of social media marketing as an accolade and not a chore – it is one of the only ways customers will speak their minds and directly engage with what your brand means to them. And they’ll pay you back for your hard work by telling others!
Need expert help with your social platforms? Contact us.