Where You Place an Ad is More Important Than the Ad Itself.
At MassLive Media Group, our recommendations include all media types. Sometimes those recommendations also include our owned and operated sites or print publications, but only if it serves the needs of the campaign or initiative. When we make recommendations around our own products, though, you’ll benefit from the lift that will naturally occur by being placed on our site. The halo effect places your brand with a trusted and favorable reputation through being featured on our website.
Give your brand and message the benefit of our “halo”—the trust and loyalty we’ve built with generations of readers. Use our technology to find others that look like them to expand and amplify your reach. Scroll through the stats on the left to see just how effective the halo effect is.
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Blog Posts
5 Alternative Metrics to Improve Performance Tracking
There are many metrics for tracking performance in business, so why do digital marketers tend to only track click-through rates? The answer: clicks are an...
Is Digital Marketing Helping Your Business? Here’s How to Tell.
Is digital marketing helping your business? Here’s how to tell. Your business has made the leap into digital marketing. It was a big leap, and a...
The Digital Terms You Need to Know
Understanding all the terms related to digital marketing and advertising can be tricky, but it is important to speak the language in the digital age....
Grow Your Business
This is the new MASSLIVE MEDIA GROUP GROUP. Our business is making your business smarter. Contact us with any opportunities for us to help YOU.