It’s hard to believe the back-to-school season is already here! It feels like summer just started and here we are approaching the end of the season. Kids are back in school, PTA meetings are soon to be back in session, fall sports practices, school fundraisers will kick off and the season is suddenly in full swing.
The back-to-school season especially provides a lot of advertising opportunities to everyone from large, national brands to small, local franchises. Local schools and events associated with the schools have opportunities like in-stadium banners, scoreboard advertising, and football programs that get a lot of attention in the fall which can be an affordable option for many companies. Marketers with strict budgets will wonder how these opportunities will help their business, and the answer is simple – community awareness for your brand. Of course, these opportunities also benefit the local school or sports group through the donation that your company provides, but the reality is that these opportunities probably won’t provide a direct return on investment for your business.
The best way to capitalize on these opportunities is to pair them with digital advertising to maximize your return.
Think about who the target audience may be when you are purchasing an in-stadium school banner. The main audience at a high school football game is moms, dads and grandparents. Let’s walk through a typical daily routine, which probably is similar to many other people’s routines, and see how many digital and school advertising touch points there are.
Touch Points
- 5:45am – Wake up time! Check social media or news websites. Depending on what networks or websites people visit, display ads or social media ads could be served at this point.
- 7:30am – Drop off at school. Many schools these days have online apps where parents can logon and check their students in. Parents that use these apps will be served display ads.
- 7:45am (on a good day) – Leaving school and on the way to work. Before leaving the parking lot, parents may check a traffic app to see what their route may be like. Mobile ads will be served.
- 8:30am – Made it to work. Check email. Check news source (MassLive) for information. Display ads would be served.
- 8:45am – 12:00pm – Using online platforms, online research, consuming content, social media ads, Google searches. Serve display ads.
- Lunch – Check social media accounts at lunch or do quick online shopping. They are served display ads, Google searches, and social media ads.
- 1:00pm – 5:00pm – Use online platforms or do online research. Display ads served, content consumption, Google searches, and social media platforms.
- 5:00pm – Before leaving work and battling the traffic, people may check a traffic or weather app where mobile display ads would be served.
- 6:30pm – Pick up kids from school or sports practice where a parent could see a stadium billboard while waiting. More than likely, as they are waiting, parents are browsing mobile websites and apps where they are served mobile display ads.
- 9:30pm – After kids are in bed (fingers crossed), parents have a chance to play with the iPad while watching TV. Likely, they are checking emails, browsing news sites, visiting social media platforms, and getting hit with digital ads on each platform.
Why Digital?
As you can see from the above, there are a lot of instances in typical day-in-the-life-of-a-parent where digital ads will reach them. A parent would see the stadium billboard at least once during that week at a game or practice. However, if that was the only advertising your business was doing you would have missed the hundreds of other opportunities to reach that parent throughout the day. Alternately, a business capitalizing on digital marketing would have reached that parent through audience targeting display ads, search engine marketing, social media marketing, and native advertising. The truth is, the more consistently people see your messaging, the more likely they are to convert.
Using a combination of digital media solutions will ensure you are reaching your targeted audience throughout their daily lives. Be there when they are ready to make their purchase decision.
Contact us to learn how our marketing experts can help you reach your audience at the right time.