Providing matching advertising dollars to help your marketing, and the chance to help your local non-profits.
At the beginning of the summer, MassLive Media Group awarded more than $500,000 in matching advertising grants to businesses throughout the state. Today, we are announcing a similar initiative aimed at helping more businesses, while also giving them an opportunity to pay it forward and help our community non-profits and charities.
Unfortunately, the end of 2020 does not forecast to be the end of the pandemic and its wide-reaching impact on our families, economy, and communities. We are all accustomed now to the new challenges of doing business, spending time and money, and what services we need to continue to navigate our current world. Not surprisingly, non-profits and charities also continue to be severely impacted at a time when their causes need championing more than ever.
Recent research from the Association of Fundraising Professionals says that more than half of charitable organizations in the United States are expecting to raise less money in 2020 than they did in 2019, and an equal percentage believe the same will occur in 2021.
Other studies have indicated that the twin crises of pandemic and recession could force as many as a third of nonprofits to close or merge before the economy recovers.
To help the businesses and non-profits in our community, MassLive Media Group will match the advertising spend of the next 75 businesses that apply to our MassLive Media Group Cares program, with the opportunity for the business to share all or a portion of the matched dollars with a non-profit of their choice. We will handle all the details of the donated marketing dollars and the execution of the advertising campaigns.
Our hope is that charities will take this opportunity to tell their stories, explain their needs, and demonstrate their impact. So many non-profits and charities rely on event marketing and event fundraising to sustain their operations, and in 2020 those events have been near impossible.
This is a true illustration of the “we are all in this together” mantra that has been repeated so often during this pandemic. Please contact us if you lead either a business or a non-profit so we can talk about a marketing campaign to help you rise from this challenging year. Our MassLive Media Group Cares initiative can do this at unprecedented value.
– Gareth Charter, Vice President of Sales
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